Continuing to work my way through Zed Shaw’s Learn Python the Hard Way. In Chapters 6-10 we continue exploring print, strings, and building off these concepts bit by bit.
There’s not a lot of new ground covered here. Basically Zed continues to ask that we (the readers) play Daniel-san to his Mr. Miyagi. He continues to wax on about strings, format characters, escape characters, and variables. We continue to type in his exercises and run them. Not a lot of room for questions, and just a tad available by way of explanation.
As far as material covered, nothing earth shattering here. Reviewing the table of contents, I’d suggest that Chapters 1-10 be tackled as a unit instead of splitting them up like I did.
With that said, I have to say that judging by the upcoming chapter titles, I’m pretty psyched about what’s coming up. Stay tuned!